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Properties of Grey Cast Iron
Recycling the way it should be!

This page contains mechanical property reference data for various grey cast irons and includes Tensile strength, Compressive Strength, Shear Modulus of Rupture, Tensile Modulus of Elasticity, Torsional Modulus of Elasticity, Endurance Limit and Brinel hardness information.

(The American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) numbering system for grey cast iron is established such that the numbers corespond to the minimum tensile strength in kpsi. Thus an ASTM no. 20 cast iron has a minimum tensile strength of 20 kpsi. Note particularly that the tabulations are typical values. Multiply strength in kpsi be 6.89 to get strength in MPa.)

                       Shear      Modulus of elasticity,

         Tensile   Compressive  modulus of         Mpsi           Endurance Brinell

ASTM     strength, strength,    rupture,   ---------------------- limit,    hardness,

number   kpsi      kpsi         kpsi        Tension   Torsion     kpsi      H_b

-------- --------- -----------  ---------- ---------- ----------  --------- ---------

 20        22         83           26        9.6-14    3.9-5.6       10        156

 25        26         97           32       11.5-14.8  4.6-6.0       11.5      174

 30        31        109           40       13.0-16.4  5.6-6.6       14        201

 35        36.5      124           48.5     14.5-17.2  5.8-6.9       16        212

 40        42.5      140           57       16.0-20    6.4-7.8       18.5      235

 50        52.5      164           73       18.8-22.8  7.2-8.0       21.5      262

 60        62.5      187.5         88.5     20.4-23.5  7.8-8.5       24.5      302

-------- --------- -----------  ---------- ---------- ----------  --------- -------   

Physical Properties of Materials  |  Properties of Steel   |  Properties of Aluminum   |  Properties of Grey Cast Iron

Properties of Some Copper Alloys  |  Properties of Wrought Stainless Steel   |    Properties of Magnesium Alloys 

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